Camping Tent able to keep tips for cleaning and repair

Clean tent

Whether you have a tent made ​​of cotton or polyester, it must be properly maintained and keep them in good condition. It is possible to completely clean your tent, at least you can avoid this through regular maintenance. It is a good idea to put plastic wrap or plastic tent. In this way, the floor of the tent will remain clean. Make small pieces of plastic plates in front of the entrance of the tent and use it as a doormat. If you pack your tent, separate the outer walls of the interior.

Camping rule base of the tent when cleaning


Keep small parts in separate bags and tents. Before you pack, wash accessories and let it dry completely. Mold can not only damage the tent, but it has a bad odor and can harm your health. Therefore, you must find the tent when it is completely dry. It is not always possible – especially in bad weather, but try to pack a wet tent when it comes.

Tent shaking water before packing

Camping Tent able to keep tips for cleaning and repair

Shake the tent and wipe the water with a cloth. But the fabric should not be washed with a detergent – you can damage the waterproof surface. If it rains, you can put the tent in the trunk and wipe it. Once you are home, you can hang the tent on the clothesline.

Camping Tent – simple repairs

Camping Tent able to keep tips for cleaning and repair

Camping Tent able to keep tips for cleaning and repair

Very often you will need to repair a tent pole – it is always advisable to take several tent poles in parts. Very often it happens that tears tents – you make nails and wire. Were rent or tape to the seams, you can buy in camping stores. Before repairing the fabric, you must ensure that the area is dry. Place an object board / cutting flat as / like and stick fabric. Remember that you can wet tent – detergent can damage the waterproof layer. Do not let children play with water pistols or blowing bubbles around the tent. If stuck closed, you can get beeswax to help. With proper preparation and that stuff you'll be able to enjoy a great camping trip.

Camping Tent able to keep tips for cleaning and repair

Camping Tent able to keep tips for cleaning and repair

Camping Tent able to keep tips for cleaning and repair

Camping Tent able to keep tips for cleaning and repair

Camping Tent able to keep tips for cleaning and repair

Camping Tent able to keep tips for cleaning and repair

Camping Tent able to keep tips for cleaning and repair

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