Creative ideas on how to use the sand on garden design

Garden design and maintenance

If you want the break-garden type something new, then you now have an excellent opportunity to do so -. Use the sand in garden design, not only because it differs from the normal soil, sand is a different environment for the growth of your plants. Take a look at some creative ideas that we present today, and discover how you can use outside outdoors sand.

Use sand in the garden design

1 Sandpit

Creative ideas on how to use the sand on garden design

If you have children, then you may have open spaces for play, offering more opportunities for creativity as a sandbox. Add a sandbox for your garden to encourage your children to spend more time outdoors. In this way, you will have a place for economic monitoring, while working in the garden. Try to make you, curving edges around your sandbox, so it fits better given the rest of the garden design.

2 Zen Garden

Creative ideas on how to use the sand on garden design

Zen garden rake and make a great addition to any outdoor space. If you need time for yourself, then you better go out and make you slow tracks in the sand to relax. Zen gardens are increasingly popular in recent times, then go to your local shop and ask there for the appropriate kit, so you can start with your zen garden.

3 Decorative sand

Creative ideas on how to use the sand on garden design

Creative ideas on how to use the sand on garden design

The sand provides an excellent visual contrast with the usual ground. Put a little 'sand between individual plants to stand out. Try to form paths through your garden. Since we can not show an additional benefit to using sand often prevents sand slugs and other pests get into your garden, it is best to consider the time the idea of ​​building a moat sand for your sensitive plants.

4 Garden Sand

Creative ideas on how to use the sand on garden design

There are a number of plants that grow best in sandy soil. resistant plants such as succulents and cactus drought are a good option, you can plant in your garden somewhere in the sand. Disconnect your sand area from the rest of your garden with a wooden box to keep the moisture that is needed for irrigation of drought-resistant plants.

Use the sand in designing creative garden

Creative ideas on how to use the sand on garden design

All these ideas are great ways to use the sand in the garden effectively. Try one or all of you can not wait a long time in your garden, and the wonderful results of the implementation. Remember, to get the sand from a local hardware store, because it is illegal in most places to take the sand of a beach or park, for what is against the law.

sand as red as an accent

Creative ideas on how to use the sand on garden design

And if you allow us, here's one last tip of our writing: Warning! Never give your ridges of sand, clay or sand added to clay soil! The combination of these two products in a concrete-like mixture. The small particles of sand fill the additional space in the soil of clay, which leads to a terrible drainage.

Integrating sandbox in Hall

Creative ideas on how to use the sand on garden design

relaxing garden design

Creative ideas on how to use the sand on garden design

Plants tolerant of dry

Creative ideas on how to use the sand on garden design

Creative ideas on how to use the sand on garden design

Create a Zen Garden

Creative ideas on how to use the sand on garden design

decorative colored sand

Creative ideas on how to use the sand on garden design

Creative ideas on how to use the sand on garden design

Creative ideas on how to use the sand on garden design

Creative ideas on how to use the sand on garden design

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