Eco modern stoves battery designed on a modular basis


This modern interpretation of the classic wood-burning oven is a collaboration between La Castella Monte Adriano and design. Five variants of ceramic wood stove is a solution. The goal of the project was to create a modern and eco-efficient stove that could fit perfectly in any situation of life. All these features have been enhanced with a compact, elegant design. Its modularity allows a perfect sizing according to customer requirements.

Eco-Stoves in contemporary forms

Environmentally friendly

It is a line of innovative design, technical aspects have been considered in the context of the optimization of combustion and longevity and designed on the basis of modularity. Ovens in the stack are "environmentally friendly heat source." Its flexible design allows for easy installation in any area. With the attractive aesthetics perfect accommodation to get a low environmental impact. See here 5 variants!

Eco-Stoves Thermo Stack

Eco modern stoves battery designed on a modular basis

Eco-pack Stack – Cubistack

Eco modern stoves battery designed on a modular basis

Round Pile

Eco modern stoves battery designed on a modular basis

Modular oven Cookinstack

Eco modern stoves battery designed on a modular basis

Optimization of combustion

Eco modern stoves battery designed on a modular basis

The mini version – Mini Stack

Eco modern stoves battery designed on a modular basis

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