Modern refrigerators in the test – What can they not?

Kitchen appliances

Photo: Konstantin Yoganov

Today, modern refrigerators are multifunction devices that adapt to the specific needs of the household. The cooling, freezing and storage -.?. They easily master all the tasks, but the fridge is best for your own kitchen Many foundations are different brands in the comparison This helps, ultimately, the consumer, because lists refrigerators in the test, give a clear idea about the important criteria and useful features.

Important criteria for selection


Photo: Kasia Bialasiewicz

The comparison between the different refrigerators based on the following criteria:
– Consumption
– The storage and storage facilities
– Cooling
– Gel

Often, a bonus point is awarded for easy handling. energy-saving equipment with good cooling properties are well suited for large families as well as singles. Refrigerators and freezers save one place to another and have a good value for money. Thank you to the actual function of weak gel, less formation of ice in the refrigerator and defrost is rarely necessary.

Refrigerators with useful additional functions

Modern refrigerators in the test - What can they not?

Photo Arsel

Families with children will appreciate the storage refrigerators enjoy. Some manufacturers offer more flexible options for storage areas to suit your personal needs. Thus, in small doses in large bottles are easy to store objects. Everything has its place – even for sensitive foods such as fruits or vegetables are determined Special drawers. This allows the internal cooling technology that these subjects are not too cool to be kept fresh for long vegetables or fruit. Finally, also the look of the refrigerator plays a role. The trend is clear – the refrigerator is characterized by clean lines and neutral colors, white back, instead of silver and black colors are currently in fashion .. If you want to experiment, you can opt for a variant in red or blue.

Experts from Bosch Home Appliances know exactly what criteria play a role in the selection – after comparing different refrigerators Stiftung Warentest said his fridge next to two other devices winner KGE39AI40 test. But also all other refrigeration and freezing Bosch impress with their good quality and a captivating style.

The modern kitchen appliances – multi-functional and stylish

Modern refrigerators in the test - What can they not?

Photo Ljupco Smokovski

Kitchen with fridge metal optical

Modern refrigerators in the test - What can they not?

Photo: Alta C.

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