Contemporary wardrobe with found objects is encouraged recycling old furniture

designer furniture

Some findings in the streets of Amsterdam gave a new life. Designer duo Marijke & Sander Lucas has an amazing wardrobe for the modern Dutch design only. This step is repeated to reduce the impact of waste on land and water.

Modern office bright white "trash Closet" Marijke & Sander Lucas

environmentally friendly

According to EPA statistics, 2009, approximately 9.8 million tons of furniture were disposed of in the United States. Can you imagine how many tons can find used furniture products through the world must end up in landfills. This is the category less waste recycled, although most of the furniture is made from recyclable materials. With this project, the designers wanted to criticize our throwaway society of consumerism scary and contribute in their own way to reduce deforestation and deforestation before it comes to a catastrophic end. As the disaster caused by the cabinet seems eccentric "Trash Closet".

So furniture, old and worn are recycled

Furniture Design

Fortunately, the problem is with the mobile waste pollution particularly attractive for citizens. The company was compiled by verschiedsten found objects such as chairs, shelves and racks. First, it consists of oak (90%) and white pine and beech. "Closet Trash" is offered in a limited edition at a price of only € 8.140 Dutch design. Due to its size, the designers say is simple: Super!

Contemporary wardrobe showcases their individuality

Contemporary wardrobe with found objects is encouraged recycling old furniture

The designer Marijke Geurts Lucas graduated from the Design Academy in Eindhoven, after marrying the product designer Sander Lucas. Additional information about the duo of talented designers learn in their online portfolio.

"Trash Closet" – a wardrobe, made ​​from found objects

Contemporary wardrobe with found objects is encouraged recycling old furniture

Functional unit of storage attractive and unique

Contemporary wardrobe with found objects is encouraged recycling old furniture

Recycle waste from the furniture industry

Contemporary wardrobe with found objects is encouraged recycling old furniture

Recycle old and used wooden chairs

Contemporary wardrobe with found objects is encouraged recycling old furniture

Modern white wardrobe for eccentric

Contemporary wardrobe with found objects is encouraged recycling old furniture

Modern wooden cabinet

Contemporary wardrobe with found objects is encouraged recycling old furniture

The unique project by Marijke & Sander Lucas for the Dutch design is the only

Contemporary wardrobe with found objects is encouraged recycling old furniture

Photo by René Mesman

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