Furniture for relaxation – A wooden triangle as chair, bed and chair


Yuan Yuan is a Chinese designer who lives and works in Paris. When she was a child, his dream was to sleep in the clouds and had to play, and the creation of the Cloud House, she was able to make this dream at least partially true. Furniture relaxation are particularly effective in the open air, so you can drive this comfortable room and design throughout.

Furniture for relaxing outdoors – The Cloud Chamber of Yuan Yuan


The wooden triangle has a semi-open and comfortable place to relax. It is a multifunctional furniture that can be like a chair, a bed and a chair is used. It changes according to its different positions. It can be used in three different positions by the curves of the body change every time. All furniture combined in one piece trigger.

Furniture for relaxing – three different positions

Lounge Furniture

Each curve fits the body to a position of perfect rest, creating a protective shell is created. Ideal for a nap. The combination of solid wood and plywood gives strength and flexibility, but also brings the elegance and ease of expression construct. However, the project of clouds, wind movement and variety of forms is inspired.

simply roll in the desired position


Furniture for relaxation - A wooden triangle as chair, bed and chair

Furniture for relaxation - A wooden triangle as chair, bed and chair

Preparation method

Furniture for relaxation - A wooden triangle as chair, bed and chair


Furniture for relaxation - A wooden triangle as chair, bed and chair


Furniture for relaxation - A wooden triangle as chair, bed and chair

Furniture for relaxation - A wooden triangle as chair, bed and chair

Furniture for relaxation - A wooden triangle as chair, bed and chair

the designer

Furniture for relaxation - A wooden triangle as chair, bed and chair

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