Tie – lounge chair with creative and functional design concept

Designer chair

Tie Lounge Chair was designed by industrial designer Bulgarian Velichko Velikov. From the first glance impressed by the excellent shape of the chair that looks like a necklace. Tie a decorative element in the home, and the collar is a decorative element to clothing.

Design lounge chair hit

Furniture Design

The collection includes some exclusive link variations that are inspired by ties and collars and executed in different materials, colors. The chaise longue is characterized by very good quality and is ideal as a den of office furniture, room, public rooms or outdoor use. The playful fluid design embodies elegance and clarity in perfection.

Chairs in the first-class workmanship

Tie - lounge chair with creative and functional design concept

Tie long chair is the result of innovative planning, configuration and passionate attention to detail. For over 15 years Velichko Velikov projected original furniture for all tastes. 2004 drew talented industrial designers in London to open his own design studio. Many of his products have received international awards and have been presented at several exhibitions in Paris, London, Cologne, Milan.

Design armchair as a neck collar

Tie - lounge chair with creative and functional design concept

The drawing represents a synthesis of function, technology, materials and aesthetics, said Velikov. Aesthetics are very important, but not the most important thing for furniture. It should be used primarily for a purpose and can be produced cheaply and easily. The unusual design Velikov embody reliability, dynamism and quality.

Attach chair – strong and soft at the same time

Tie - lounge chair with creative and functional design concept

Smooth trendy pink

Tie - lounge chair with creative and functional design concept

Other exclusive designs Velichko Velikov – Chair Lastika

Tie - lounge chair with creative and functional design concept

Curly Chair Design

Tie - lounge chair with creative and functional design concept

Long ring chair with red accents in black and white

Tie - lounge chair with creative and functional design concept

The children chair colorful balloons

Tie - lounge chair with creative and functional design concept

Comfortable chair with curved fluid form

Tie - lounge chair with creative and functional design concept

Torro chair is ideal for outdoor use

Tie - lounge chair with creative and functional design concept

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