10 Tips Landscaping: a harmonious


The design of our garden is not an easy task. In addition to personal preferences and desire to implement any system, but it is best to seek the advice of a professional. But if you want to design your very own garden and you want to bring your creative vision of harmony in use, we ask you a few tips on garden design.

Landscaping Tips: low plants in the foreground


When designing a new area, it is best to start with the planting of higher plants that serve as background for the lower species. For example, a green fence of bamboo or ornamental plums are a great option for a "framework" for systems with a smaller size.

Landscaping Tips: Colorful Circle

10 Tips Landscaping: a harmonious

The choice of colors is, of course, your personal taste. But when it comes to inspiration, you can try using the color wheel called. This tool is useful to avoid embarrassing mistakes in the color combinations. It will give you good ideas and show you "collaborate" what colors and what they do not really go together.


10 Tips Landscaping: a harmonious

In the creation of focal points in the garden and very catchy, you should choose plants that conflicts with other components of the composition can be avoided. In other words, you choose an excellent accent plant in the center of the area high into the trees far corner of the garden. The main thing is not to overdo it, because another point could be the impression of the composition as a whole is weakened.

Make the garden according to the season

10 Tips Landscaping: a harmonious

The seasons come and go, but your garden always great, right? Yes, you can enjoy the changing colors of the plants throughout the year. Do not deprive yourself of this pleasure, go to the garden center close and learn about the evergreens that will delight your eyes all year round. When you combine conifers with deciduous trees, you will make your garden, not only different, but also has a knack of different colors and shapes. I do not regret it, that's for sure!

Landscaping Tips: against the grain

10 Tips Landscaping: a harmonious

The plants in the garden center are usually united by a specific character and in an orderly manner. However, this does not mean that planting in your own garden should follow this principle. For example, plants can be planted in the rock for large cracks in the inner part of the garden. Fruit trees, you can grow behind the colored borders or just let it spread, so let's create graphics.

Only the best

10 Tips Landscaping: a harmonious

When purchasing new plants in the specialty store you look very carefully and then choose the best and most healthy of them you like. Note that you do not have symptoms of the disease or injury. Make sure the label of the plant contains information that is clear and easy to read. If you feel any doubt about a particular plant, then take another.


10 Tips Landscaping: a harmonious

To cultivate the vine is an amazing method, walls or bare walls create a pleasant and comfortable environment. Here you can give your imagination run free – so you can add vertical accents or decorate old fruit trees with vines.

The benefits of good planning

10 Tips Landscaping: a harmonious

Before buying a small tree and plants, it is recommended that you are aware of what size this tree reaches when it is fully developed. Otherwise, problems may occur: the potted plant that adorns your garden for a while ', it can overshadow many other plants in recent years. This would change the character of the total composition.

Garden design: Choose the right word

10 Tips Landscaping: a harmonious

Undoubtedly, the choice of plants is particularly important, but also the appropriate conditions for their development should not be underestimated. For example, it seems attractive neighborhood of azaleas and rhododendrons, but they can die if the soil is too chalky. Or, if you (sheet mammoth) want to expand on dry soil Gunnera, it will certainly suffer. Its development will slow down, the leaves remain small and do not develop completely.

10 Tips Landscaping: a harmonious

The plants may need to be tough. If you want to enjoy its charm for many years, it is necessary to spend a lot of time in the garden, gardening because it takes time and money, of course.

Complementary forms

10 Tips Landscaping: a harmonious

Different shapes can be combined harmoniously in the garden or can be used to create a contrast. For example, the care formed with the shaft of scissors crown of beech, which has a dome-shaped architectural form of agave are compared and combined harmoniously with the flexible models of spurge.
We hope that the tips on garden design presented above can help you find the exterior more beautiful and comfortable space. We hope you enjoy!

Enjoy a flower garden

10 Tips Landscaping: a harmonious

Creepers are a highlight

10 Tips Landscaping: a harmonious

10 Tips Landscaping: a harmonious

Ideas Privacy with live plants

10 Tips Landscaping: a harmonious

10 Tips Landscaping: a harmonious

10 Tips Landscaping: a harmonious

1 comment
  1. It really helped when you said that before buying a small tree and plants, it is recommended that you are aware of what size this tree reaches when it is fully developed. My sister has her mini-garden wherein she used it to free herself from stress. I guess having a lovely landscaped garden may not only be a result of a green thumb but of creativity as well.

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