16 ideas for the exterior design of the pool for your relaxation

House with pool

The pool can be a luxury, in addition to the house, but it adds a sense of relaxation and thoughts of relaxation after a long and tiring day. There are pools of different shapes, sizes and designs, and what exactly you choose depends primarily on their needs and preferences. Today, they are made ​​continuous improvements in the design of the outdoor swimming pool. Among the many ways that we find in the brochures printed or on-line, it is difficult to decide which finally. Outdoor swimming pools give us the same feeling of relaxation you feel in the other pool. The only difference is the external environment, which is about. The fresh air every now and then poof, this is what we need, especially if you have your pool built just like you wanted.

Design of the outdoor pool offers enchanted evenings

Pool Design

Today we want to share with you our selection of spectacular outdoor pools. Perhaps you will consider some of them as a good opportunity to consider if you want to create a relaxing home? Several models here are much more focused on landscapes, but they give you a good idea of ​​how much space you need to build your dream home. Regardless of what type of home you dream of, we can assure you that there is always a perfect pool, where you can wallow in it.

The outdoor pool is built in a residential community in San Diego, California

16 ideas for the exterior design of the pool for your relaxation

Designer: William Krisel

A kidney shaped pool

16 ideas for the exterior design of the pool for your relaxation

Designer: Vladimir Ossipoff. This pool was built in Honolulu, Hawaii for the Liljestrand residence. Photo by Chimay Bleue

Design outdoor pool

16 ideas for the exterior design of the pool for your relaxation

The property has a fabulous pool in residence.

Conversion of a private house

16 ideas for the exterior design of the pool for your relaxation

Detached house with garden in the conversion, as well as a space of 788 square meters for its outdoor swimming pool. Designer: Antonaneta Yordanova

Another view of the outdoor swimming pool

16 ideas for the exterior design of the pool for your relaxation

This private home is built in Kavarna, Bulgaria

16 ideas for the exterior design of the pool for your relaxation

House on the Hill, Bienvenido C. Negradas Jr.

16 ideas for the exterior design of the pool for your relaxation

A nice view of the pool at night

16 ideas for the exterior design of the pool for your relaxation

Design outdoor swimming pool, the test

16 ideas for the exterior design of the pool for your relaxation

A Nikon300D was used to account for these costs swimming pool.

The pool design

16 ideas for the exterior design of the pool for your relaxation

A modern swimming pool in Dallas, Texas.

Modern Outdoor Swimming Pool

16 ideas for the exterior design of the pool for your relaxation

The house where the pool was built as a gallery in his style. Clean lines characterize the outdoor pool, great materials were used in its construction. Pool Environments: Image

Preston Hollow Project

16 ideas for the exterior design of the pool for your relaxation

From this pool of design radiates heat, which is welcome for business life in Dallas, Texas. Pool Environments: Image

Exotic Pool

16 ideas for the exterior design of the pool for your relaxation

Canon EOS 5D was used to capture the moment. Serenity Pools measure: Image

Attractive illuminated swimming pool

16 ideas for the exterior design of the pool for your relaxation

Pool and spa at higher elevations, which have gained a measure of Serenity Pool Nikon D 200. Picture

Overview of the pool and spa

16 ideas for the exterior design of the pool for your relaxation

Stunning views of the pool and spa in one. Image: Pool

An inviting outdoor swimming pool and spa design

16 ideas for the exterior design of the pool for your relaxation

Luxury swimming pool

16 ideas for the exterior design of the pool for your relaxation

A perfect landscape around the pool and the lighting interesting. Photo: fast_ck

Aquatic Technology Pool & Spa

16 ideas for the exterior design of the pool for your relaxation

A cold pool spa in Morgan Hill, California. Photo: fast_ck

Concord Pool & Spa

16 ideas for the exterior design of the pool for your relaxation

Another pool and spa design that you can have in your home. Image: Luxury swimming pool

Have you found your dream pool on this list? If not, what type of pool on your mind?

Pool Lights – a highlight in the outer zone

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