18 ideas DIY tips for Christmas trees that attract the attention of everyone

Christmas Tree

Trees of Christmas would not be complete without a look obvious edge that crowns the Christmas tree. Sure, it's easier to buy the perfect peak of the market, but it's more fun if you tinker with what the children themselves. We offer 18 ideas for creative DIY advice for Christmas trees that mimic in a simple way and are made ​​with inexpensive materials. The Christmas tree is made up of a single arch, a beautiful bouquet of flowers or a paper star, are unique.

Peak Christmas Crafts – star on the styrofoam ball and pencils

Make Christmas ornaments

Christmas trees are decorated with garlands, wreaths and decorations, but the attention of all Christmas is the top of the Christmas tree, which stands proudly at the top. Traditionally, it has the shape of an angel or a star, but a nice cycle, paper crown or top hat fit perfectly there. The upper part of the shaft must not be strictly maintained, but may also be slightly tilted.

Peak Christmas Crafts – ball of yarn

Christmas Decorations

Christmas trees can be purchased in a store quickly, but the old tradition of making all the ornaments themselves, is estimated by many. If you have mastered the popcorn garlands and Christmas tree with cinnamon and orange, is tinkering with a peak period of Christmas.

Spray paper star with glitter paint

18 ideas DIY tips for Christmas trees that attract the attention of everyone

Satin or velvet ribbon with wire brim is a good idea, because they are available in different colors and patterns. A paper star can have different forms of radiation. Experiment with the materials and ornaments such as book pages, Musinoten, hat, mint, etc. unusual

Star on the pages of the book

18 ideas DIY tips for Christmas trees that attract the attention of everyone

scores of big stars

18 ideas DIY tips for Christmas trees that attract the attention of everyone

Wooden handles Stars

18 ideas DIY tips for Christmas trees that attract the attention of everyone

Loop colors

18 ideas DIY tips for Christmas trees that attract the attention of everyone

Peppermint 18 ideas DIY tips for Christmas trees that attract the attention of everyone

18 ideas DIY tips for Christmas trees that attract the attention of everyone

paper crown

18 ideas DIY tips for Christmas trees that attract the attention of everyone

18 ideas DIY tips for Christmas trees that attract the attention of everyone

18 ideas DIY tips for Christmas trees that attract the attention of everyone

18 ideas DIY tips for Christmas trees that attract the attention of everyone
18 ideas DIY tips for Christmas trees that attract the attention of everyone

18 ideas DIY tips for Christmas trees that attract the attention of everyone

18 ideas DIY tips for Christmas trees that attract the attention of everyone

18 ideas DIY tips for Christmas trees that attract the attention of everyone

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