Arrange flowers for the garden – design ideas and tips

Garden flowers

Learn 15 simple tips on how to arrange flowers for the garden. Creating accents and create a penstock, nice garden.

Trees and flowers for the garden


Play with colors and designs – shrubs, flowers and trees can coexist in the garden – even more – they create excitement and attract attention. Climbing plants such as roses, flowers düftige for the garden and pergola will focus on the design and creation of a garden in the country house style.

Vines and flowers for the garden

Arrange flowers for the garden - design ideas and tips

Try kontrastiernde color and flower combinations provide color in the garden – red, to be exact. Here combined with red bougainvillea white daisies to decorate the porch. Blue Lobelia compliment the overall look.

Create beiendruckenden entry with the right flowers for the garden

Arrange flowers for the garden - design ideas and tips

Arrange flowers for the garden - design ideas and tips

Fresh flowers and impressive variety of colors of different flowers for the garden, combined with stone wall and gate in the Spanish style is everything you need for an exotic style. Perfola forest and vineyards create the second garden the illusion that it is bigger. It has comfortable and spacious air at the same time. Sunflowers are not absent from the design.

Decorate the garden gate with flowers

Arrange flowers for the garden - design ideas and tips

Lantern, colorful flowers for the garden items and creative decorative wrought iron – how you can describe this idea better design. Ultimately, a welcoming entrance was created, which invites customers. The winding road is still a creative idea that makes the garden appear larger.

Landscaping – Spring Flowers

Arrange flowers for the garden - design ideas and tips

Arrange flowers for the garden - design ideas and tips

Create contrasts with spring flowers for the garden – creating a composition of spring flowers as the thoughts and Judas trees. To be in the spring and early summer can expect fresh colors. Akzentieren the look with plants and summer flowers.

Landscaping – Figures with plants and flowers

Arrange flowers for the garden - design ideas and tips

Arrange flowers for the garden - design ideas and tips

Repeat the efficient design – This trick is used by many professional gardeners. Make your mark by planting some flowers and colors several times in different areas in the garden. Here, for example purple Lobelia was combined with other spring flowers.

Perennials for the garden

Arrange flowers for the garden - design ideas and tips

Arrange flowers for the garden - design ideas and tips

Put some color in the game – here, for example a mixture of sage, sedum, various grasses and shrubs made. Perennials add color to the garden, but it seems too colorful. Combined with a front lawn so you can enjoy the beautiful design idea, even passersby.

Vegetables and herbs in the garden

Arrange flowers for the garden - design ideas and tips

Designing the garden with edible plants. Planting the garden with herbs and vegetables, and mix with a flower – this way you will attract pollinators in the garden. Feel good and fresh herbs are added to the salad in the summer.

Flowers for the garden – lawn combinations

Arrange flowers for the garden - design ideas and tips

Arrange flowers for the garden - design ideas and tips

A front garden can be refreshed by a lawn – that way you will the different levels in the garden come into play more flowers for the garden are refreshing and attract insects, butterflies and birds -. Then you can quietly involved in the planning of a bird house.

Protect privacy and to protect the private sphere

Arrange flowers for the garden - design ideas and tips

Create a private space that is well screened by tall trees and shrubs. Combining evergreen plants, so it is the protection of private life even in winter.

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