Christmas Tree Music Festival craft paper – quick tutorial

Christmas Decorations

Christmas is coming – and with the spirit of Christmas is the desire to do it yourself. But most of the craft instructions relating to the purchase of materials. A cheaper alternative is Christmas tree of paper – with little effort and materials available on the budget can be beautiful handmade ornaments. We give you two ideas infallible, but very effective – get inspired!

Christmas tree paper manuscript – Christmas Star

Christmas Tree Music Festival craft paper - quick tutorial

For this paper you must contact the romantic tree ornaments – note paper / option, you can press note paper, or just use paper / packaging, rope, fabric, buttons / rhinestones, scissors, pencil, glue, sewing machine.

Prepare cardboard model in two sizes, choose the smaller stars of music paper and cut out. Then, mark and cut the fabric biggest stars. The stars the stars of tissue paper sewing / paste or /. In the center of each star glue button / rhinestones.

Fold Ornaments – Tree Decorations note paper

Christmas Tree Music Festival craft paper - quick tutorial

To design this tree decorations of manuscript paper, you must have the following: – paper, compass, cutter, glue, twine. Just cut 6 circles of the same size stationery. Each county twice, then paste the circles. With string to hang the ornament on the Christmas tree.

If you touch the paper is also to the left, you can make a garland of it. Cut the paper into rectangles / 2.5 cm wide, 8 cm long /. Paste the two corners of a rectangle, the creation of a ring. Paste the second ring of the first, etc. Drape. Garland on the Christmas tree

Decorate gift bags with ribbon

Christmas Tree Music Festival craft paper - quick tutorial

If you have a bunch of decorative paper left in the previous year? Buy bags with elegant furniture and white Tinker. Applying stickers on bags with two different bands – and write a love message to your greeting card. Ready!

Decorate gift bag with adhesive tape

Christmas Tree Music Festival craft paper - quick tutorial

gift bags a message with a soft and loving decoration

Christmas Tree Music Festival craft paper - quick tutorial

Materials – note paper, fabric, buttons, strings

Christmas Tree Music Festival craft paper - quick tutorial

Cut the star of note paper

Christmas Tree Music Festival craft paper - quick tutorial

Cut fabric biggest stars

Christmas Tree Music Festival craft paper - quick tutorial

The stars of the tissue paper with stars sewn together …

Christmas Tree Music Festival craft paper - quick tutorial
Or get together …

Christmas Tree Music Festival craft paper - quick tutorial

Finished ornaments – vintage chic decor,

Christmas Tree Music Festival craft paper - quick tutorial

Christmas tree with homemade decorations

Christmas Tree Music Festival craft paper - quick tutorial

For each ornament that you need 6 equal circles

Christmas Tree Music Festival craft paper - quick tutorial

Fold each circle in half

Christmas Tree Music Festival craft paper - quick tutorial

Glue the circles

Christmas Tree Music Festival craft paper - quick tutorial

Christmas Tree Music Festival craft paper - quick tutorial

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