Decking – if you make a comfortable outdoor space!


Spring is coming, and you can not wait in the garden again to enjoy the sunny days and warm weather? A lounge on the terrace of wood is determined by supply many unpleasant times with family and friends. Investing in the right kind of wood will be beneficial to you – we will give an overview of variations, so you can choose something for you.

The wooden terrace – native or exotic wood?

Decking - if you make a comfortable outdoor space!

If you choose a wooden bridge, you might be just before the election – you should prefer local or prefer exotic woods? Taste mostly exotic wood more than the locals, but often in correlation with high durability and can easily withstand 25 years of rain and snow. But local alternatives such as oak, locust or chestnut convince with a high load capacity. What you decide in the end is related to several factors. If the terrace is covered, you might want to consider building a conservatory? In this case, you can also opt for cheaper alternatives, because the terrace is always protected from the wind and storms. Otherwise, you should instead invest in costly essences – they are simply better suited for the garden.

Decking – what types of wood come into question?

Decking - if you make a comfortable outdoor space!

Bangkirai wood comes from the eastern part of Asia is mainly due to its high resistance a popular choice for outdoor paving. If the wood is painted twice a year, it retains its beautiful red-brown, or changes with time, the color gray.

Larch is a native species, which is preferable for the gardens in the northern part of Germany. The wood is highly resistant to weathering, but can not withstand high temperatures.

Oak wood is a popular choice for indoor and outdoor area – with good reason. The wood has a beautiful beige color and is durable.

Douglas is a timber that can hold in your garden for over 15 years. But here, the basic construction of stable and regular maintenance is essential.

Decking in modern style – oak decking

Decking - if you make a comfortable outdoor space!

Create a comfortable outdoor space

Decking - if you make a comfortable outdoor space!

Large terrace with pool and lounge area

Decking - if you make a comfortable outdoor space!

Chestnut wood decking

Decking - if you make a comfortable outdoor space!

, Wood bangkirai Modern and comfortable for balcony

Decking - if you make a comfortable outdoor space!

Decking - if you make a comfortable outdoor space!

Decking - if you make a comfortable outdoor space!

Decking - if you make a comfortable outdoor space!

Decking - if you make a comfortable outdoor space!

Decking - if you make a comfortable outdoor space!

Decking - if you make a comfortable outdoor space!

Decking - if you make a comfortable outdoor space!

Decking - if you make a comfortable outdoor space!

Decking - if you make a comfortable outdoor space!

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