Façade cladding with copper plates provides better insulation

Facade design

Facades right panel may choose to be a difficult task. We offer an alternative that will serve you for life and the value of the property will increase.

copper plates – ventilated facades lining that will serve you for life


Group KME copper famous manufacturer offers among other noble facades of copper plates. The material not only gives the house a classic look, but also reduce energy consumption and emissions of harmful carbon. Environmentally friendly and save money, the metal is impressed by its high quality and precision production. The company offers countless options for those who want a ventilated façade cladding panels, which are attached by screws screwed on the front with comprehensive solutions for interior decoration -. Possibilities for use of the material are virtually endless.

Metal siding

Façade cladding with copper plates provides better insulation

Who still has a traditional facade coating can fix the design elements copper. The stainless steel mounting will allow easy installation, and serve you for a long time. Experienced craftsmen know the many benefits that result from copper façade. No matter what form – elements can be adapted perfectly to the curves of the building. We offer 20 ideas for inspiration, may look like a facade Copper – Beipiele are inspiring and show the decorative function of the material. Whether in a suit, with windows or simply as an accent – the facade of copper will serve you for a long time and certainly draw attention to themselves by their beautiful color.

Systems of modern facades copper are energy efficient

Façade cladding with copper plates provides better insulation

The copper plates are in accordance with the shape of the building

Façade cladding with copper plates provides better insulation

Applicable also in interior design

Façade cladding with copper plates provides better insulation

Bar covered with copper plates

Façade cladding with copper plates provides better insulation

Instead of the whole house to be covered with copper plates, you can set accents with elements

Façade cladding with copper plates provides better insulation

Clad bungalow with copper columns

Façade cladding with copper plates provides better insulation

Good insulation and reduced energy consumption

Façade cladding with copper plates provides better insulation

metallic elements – front of the house

Façade cladding with copper plates provides better insulation

All residential building with a facade of copper

Façade cladding with copper plates provides better insulation

Facade of modern house with a futuristic look

Façade cladding with copper plates provides better insulation

Ventilated facade

Façade cladding with copper plates provides better insulation

Gazebo metal and glass facade

Façade cladding with copper plates provides better insulation

Glänzente modern facade copper

Façade cladding with copper plates provides better insulation

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