Feng Shui Bedroom set – correct bed position

Bedroom furniture

What is Feng Shui bedroom? Feng Shui originated in China. In short, Feng Shui is a philosophy of life. Your guess some important basic rule rules on how to make a space for relaxation and are therefore well suited for the bedroom.

Bedroom Feng Shui – Tips for the establishment


Configure your feng shui bedroom starting with the positioning of the bed. The bed should be against a wall – this calm. The less furniture in the room, the better. The room should look more spacious and always tidy – superfluous clothes on the chair doors or open cabinets are disturbing at night. This also applies for decoration or devices that make noise / indoor fountain, computers, etc / printers. The room should perform a function – but if you want to set up a reading corner at home or office, you can visually cut through a screen.

Feng Shui Bedroom – bed locator cheap

Feng Shui Bedroom set - correct bed position

The bed in the bedroom feng shui should not be located directly between two windows or window and the door itself. If you have skylights, you can mount blinds colors. Roof windows let light in the night, which can lead to restless sleep. Avoid installing wall shelves above the headboard. Nothing must disturb you while falling asleep – so you avoid pictures or mirrors to be placed on the wall opposite the bed – it will automatically attract your attention on them. Feng Shui says that the bed should be raised – if the energy is able to operate freely in space.

Feng Shui Bedroom Colors – white and blue

Feng Shui Bedroom set - correct bed position

Feng Shui originated in China

Feng Shui Bedroom set - correct bed position

Room with wood paneling has a calming effect

Feng Shui Bedroom set - correct bed position

Chocolate brown calm colors

Feng Shui Bedroom set - correct bed position

Do not look directly at the window

Feng Shui Bedroom set - correct bed position

Even in a small room configuration Feng Shui is possible

Feng Shui Bedroom set - correct bed position

Favorable positioning in the attic room

Feng Shui Bedroom set - correct bed position

Do not use too much decoration

Feng Shui Bedroom set - correct bed position

False – low loader

Feng Shui Bedroom set - correct bed position

False – bed directly at the window

Feng Shui Bedroom set - correct bed position

Correct – the bed is not exposed on the balcony

Feng Shui Bedroom set - correct bed position

Position the correct bed

Feng Shui Bedroom set - correct bed position

Make personal haven of peace

Feng Shui Bedroom set - correct bed position

Visually separated from the wall shelves bed

Feng Shui Bedroom set - correct bed position

Feng Shui Bedroom Set -10 practical ideas to feel good

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