Futuristic art installation transforms the space

Modern Art

We present a futuristic art installation, which has completely transformed the room. The talented artist Sarah Sze creates works of art that are inspired by the place. They transform the space and create a new perspective. His works have been presented in 2015 in Venice.

Installing futuristic art forward-looking


The artist Sarah Sze in the United States has a building of the 30s of last century, completely transformed for his performance during the week art in Venice. The neoclassical look of the building has been completely transformed by a series of works of art. Installing futuristic art connects the interior with the exterior. Visitors can expect to four galleries, two left and two right, meet at the end of the corridor. The installation may look messy at first glance, is a training specifically calculated so. The artist used materials and items collected in Venice in the days and weeks to build.

Futuristic art installation transformed an old building

Futuristic art installation transforms the space

Installing futiristische art offers three perspectives for the future, and life and is named after a term used in thermodynamics. Specific temperature and pressure to determine the three states of matter – gas, liquid, solid. While similar, the author looks at life – it is a mixture of different states of the human body and the soul that looks messy at first. But the artist leads us like a compass with the installation if you do not feel lost and can perform all aspects.

Piston recall the three states of matter

Futuristic art installation transforms the space

Modern Art in the USA – a Cow futuristic design principles of thermodynamics

Futuristic art installation transforms the space

Shadow and Light

Futuristic art installation transforms the space

The artist used only materials of Venice

Futuristic art installation transforms the space

American art metal

Futuristic art installation transforms the space

Eclectic mix of different materials

Futuristic art installation transforms the space

Futuristic Wood Construction

Futuristic art installation transforms the space

The inside of the outer verbindete exposure area

Futuristic art installation transforms the space

The composition seemed eclectic, but always uniformly

Futuristic art installation transforms the space

The artist Sarah Sze

Futuristic art installation transforms the space

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