Futuristic flower pots for the perfect Zen Garden

Japanese design

We present an excellent idea from Japan – Futuristic flower pots for the perfect Zen garden, pull the eye.

Zen garden at home – flower pots shaped buildings


If you want to make a Zen garden, you can do the job quickly and easily. Metaphys the Japanese company launched a collection of pots of plastic flowers on the market that have fascinated us from the very first glance. The pots were made of plastic. The white color symbolizes peace and tranquility and vegetation can be improved by then. For each of these pots has its own design and looks like a building BREF. The roof is planted with grass and decorated with small figures. Here, a cow, a horse there – even human figures can be found in flower pots. An external staircase connects all the designs so that when they are juxtaposed, make an exciting combination.

Mini zen garden on the balcony – interesting designs

Futuristic flower pots for the perfect Zen Garden

The pots are a creative addition to the interior and occasionally also the home to have a little zen garden. You can both independently as well as compose accents. If you want to create a comfortable atmosphere in your home, you can use the flower pots everywhere, even standing on the unusual brightness – on the balcony, in the kitchen, even the bathroom. They are due to their purist forms followers of popular minimalism. Planting pots with evergreen plants and orchids – which will ensure that they create a small garden after the Japanese tradition. The pots are on the dining table, on the kitchen counter or on the windowsill. They can be placed under a lamp suspended, so therefore accents can be set. The Japanese company has developed a sense of humor with a lot of practical idea and original design for the modern home and put on the market.

Futuristic flower pots for the perfect Zen Garden

Futuristic flower pots for the perfect Zen Garden

Futuristic flower pots for the perfect Zen Garden

Futuristic flower pots for the perfect Zen Garden

Futuristic flower pots for the perfect Zen Garden

Futuristic flower pots for the perfect Zen Garden

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