Here are some tips for keeping ornamental grasses – how exactly do you do?

Ornamental lawns

You already know well informed: Your lawn is demanding and requires intensive care. Immediately after the winter, in March and April you have to invest time and keep lawns. Currently, it is necessary that we take a bit 'of repair work on the lawn when the grass damage following:

How to maintain lawns for baldness, tips and tricks


Bald patches: Yes, this happens after the winter, sometimes the grass is gone! Must plow again, fertilize and sow new lawns to a depth of 1-2 cm. These activities are followed by copious irrigation. The reasons for the destruction of the lawn can be of different nature, but in general, most are retired intense trampling and regularly entering the lawn or grass is dry due to lack of care and attention.

Uneven lawns

Here are some tips for keeping ornamental grasses - how exactly do you do?

Uneven lawns: You can improve this new filling them with humus to smooth the wells and remove the bumps. Sprinkle the bottom of the right to land on the lawn. Areas denuded result must then be seeded and fertilized.

Tips for improving your lawn

Here are some tips for keeping ornamental grasses - how exactly do you do?

Loose soil is bad to the turf, because the grass is easy to lose moisture and the grass is yellow and dry. This is done in the spring after the cold days. To improve your lawn, you must roll. Molehills and ants nest you can level in this way. The weight of the roller must not be greater than 100 to 150 kg.

Ornamental grass – good irrigation

Here are some tips for keeping ornamental grasses - how exactly do you do?

Excessive density of the soil of the lawn: Prolonged irrigation can be few places in the opinion of the lawn where there is excessive compaction turf, which prevents the access of air to the roots, as well as water and nutrients locked. Take a spot on the lawn with special machines rotary blade hollow tubular fixed on the drum. This is done to a depth of 8 cm. After the drilling of the green zone, sprinkle sand with grain size 2-5 mm, so that the holes are filled. Therefore, it improves the porosity of the soil, the water permeability and the absorption capacity of the soil. This promotes root development and increases vitality and resistance of the grass.

Follow our tips to keep above to ornamental and you'll always be the only spring green carpet area as a fine, leafy green meadows. We wish you a lot of fun and enjoyable time during your work in the garden!

Enjoy meadows in spring and summer

Here are some tips for keeping ornamental grasses - how exactly do you do?

Edge lawn with artificial stones

Here are some tips for keeping ornamental grasses - how exactly do you do?

Edge of the lawn with a low brick wall

Here are some tips for keeping ornamental grasses - how exactly do you do?

Ideas for edging lawns

Here are some tips for keeping ornamental grasses - how exactly do you do?

Here are some tips for keeping ornamental grasses - how exactly do you do?

Here are some tips for keeping ornamental grasses - how exactly do you do?

Here are some tips for keeping ornamental grasses - how exactly do you do?

Here are some tips for keeping ornamental grasses - how exactly do you do?

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