Making wooden bulbs themselves – decoration with branches in natural look to your home

Wooden lamp

Get the rustic charm of the branches in the house by making wooden bulbs themselves. These amazing designs provide a perfect lighting that will enhance the beauty of your rustic decor. One idea is an old dry branch, which supports a group of hanging lamps. Lampposts for this branch is the basis of the lamp.

Making wooden bulbs themselves – chandelier branches


The implementation of this concept seems simple, because it is not really require a lot of skill to find a rustic branch. After that, all you have to do is to hang suspended from a branch. You can either use a single lamp or a light line. These wooden lamps look especially nice when they hang out on the dining table in a cottage or a house in a forest. Their natural look will complement any rustic decor perfectly.

Making wooden bulbs themselves – rustic lighting in the dining room


Lamp base decorated with pieces of driftwood

Do it yourself

Minimalistsiche institution and floor of the branch attracts the eye

Making wooden bulbs themselves - decoration with branches in natural look to your home

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Making wooden bulbs themselves - decoration with branches in natural look to your home

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Making wooden bulbs themselves - decoration with branches in natural look to your home

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Making wooden bulbs themselves - decoration with branches in natural look to your home

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Making wooden bulbs themselves - decoration with branches in natural look to your home

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Making wooden bulbs themselves - decoration with branches in natural look to your home

Making wooden bulbs themselves - decoration with branches in natural look to your home

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Decorate the lamp base with branches

Making wooden bulbs themselves - decoration with branches in natural look to your home
Making wooden bulbs themselves - decoration with branches in natural look to your home

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Making wooden bulbs themselves - decoration with branches in natural look to your home

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