Of tailoring inspired restaurant design "Szwalnia" of Wamhouse

Restaurant & Bar

Wamhouse design studio impressively demonstrates its ability to organize a revolutionary design artistic level. The last original solution interior design is called "Szwalnia" (translated from Polish, the word seam). Design Karina Wiciak – piece of No.8 XII collection presents a visionary Club & Restaurant which takes you into an exciting world design.

Club & Restaurant Design "Szwalnia" creates the atmosphere of a real customized workshops

Interior Design

The Club & restaurant design was inspired by a tailor and reflects at least reflected on a symbolic level, the designer explains. Large white surfaces overlap in the bottom were lined with dashed lines and give the impression that the pieces are sewn together with thick wire. This motif is also beautiful and bizarre and immediately catches the eye. You can find it again the focus of the design of glass panels tables and countertops.

Whimsical Restaurant Design by Karina Wiciak

Of tailoring inspired restaurant design "Szwalnia" of Wamhouse

The overall picture is enhanced by elegant draped curtains heavy sharp blue, hung behind the bar and up the stairs. Metallic effects and soft fabrics create the actual studio cutting atmosphere. Attached to the form of soil and knitting needles act as stair rails and legs and backs of chairs. Small ottomans, stools and chairs reminiscent giant cushion. An old machine parts were single wall inzeniert. True to style, ceilings decorated with lights shaped tassels curtains add to the ambiance.

design of the restaurant is a charming atmosphere

Of tailoring inspired restaurant design "Szwalnia" of Wamhouse

"Szwalnia" represents a successful modern and minimalist design, seasoned with a pinch of magic mixture. Wamhouse XII collection consists of 12 interior design theme that tell a story in a unique atmosphere. In another design by Karina Wiciak eclectic furniture and Accessoiires retained the atmosphere of a slaughterhouse. The Wamhouse restaurant design is full of symbols and metaphors and tanks on the border between architecture and scenography.

Enjoy entertainment in a unique atmosphere and good company

Of tailoring inspired restaurant design "Szwalnia" of Wamhouse

Glass table appears with a thick black thread stitched together to be

Of tailoring inspired restaurant design "Szwalnia" of Wamhouse

Wall elements stitched together a tailor

Of tailoring inspired restaurant design "Szwalnia" of Wamhouse

Designed with banister with huge knitting needles

Of tailoring inspired restaurant design "Szwalnia" of Wamhouse

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