Plant Breeding balcony – beautiful flowers combined in pairs

Balcony plants

Large or small, shiny like silk or velvet, chosen contrasting shade or color, each flower is the composition of well-designed at its best. Each has earned its place in this sea of ​​flowers. The look is really fun and attracts a lot of attention immediately. Get advice on the choice of balcony plants and try this beauty on your balcony to create. Create color colorful couple there, you can enjoy throughout the summer.

The right choice of balcony plants


The use of plants with different sizes and colors is a way to bring more expressiveness in the total composition. Then why are so beautiful petunia well paired with exquisite daisies or fine Calibrachoa.

Unite in pairs – choice of balcony plants

Plant Breeding balcony - beautiful flowers combined in pairs

If you want a glossy finish, you can make all the flowers and plants, whose leaves have different shapes. That looks great, we can assure you that. For example, you can combine the rounded petals of verbena (Verbena) and bright colors Dimorphoteca (Osteospermum) or Gaillarde (blanket flower) together. Each flower is beautiful to you, our main goal is to improve the composition of its beauty. Bold experiment! The end result is sure to be amazing!

Sansevieria and dahlias

Plant Breeding balcony - beautiful flowers combined in pairs

The colors in pairs of flowers can also be a key element of the composition. You can select plants with contrasting colors or similar shades. Close shades go well together, so nothing can go wrong when you combine some flowers in yellow and orange, pink and red, blue and purple together. Even more striking is the contrast of color, so that you can create a stunning look on your balcony. For example, blue and yellow or orange zinnia and chrysanthemum Brachycome purple petunias in pairs. What do you think?

Create contrasts

Plant Breeding balcony - beautiful flowers combined in pairs

Recent trends balcony plants
The latest fashion includes a picturesque match the same colors and shapes of flowers and leaves. But in the choice of plants and flowers in pairs, it is also necessary to consider the rate of growth of each account and adapt to others. Only in this way, the plants do not claim the territory and more light and you can create beautiful compositions. The effort is worth it, though, because you'll have a sea of ​​flowers on the balcony and enjoy the beautiful colors throughout the summer. We hope you enjoy!

purple Clibrachoa Plant Breeding balcony - beautiful flowers combined in pairs

Repetition of color

Plant Breeding balcony - beautiful flowers combined in pairs

different types of pots

Plant Breeding balcony - beautiful flowers combined in pairs

Plant Breeding balcony - beautiful flowers combined in pairs
Plant Breeding balcony - beautiful flowers combined in pairs

Plant Breeding balcony - beautiful flowers combined in pairs
Plant Breeding balcony - beautiful flowers combined in pairs

Plant Breeding balcony - beautiful flowers combined in pairs

Plant Breeding balcony - beautiful flowers combined in pairs

Plant Breeding balcony - beautiful flowers combined in pairs

Plant Breeding balcony - beautiful flowers combined in pairs

Plant Breeding balcony - beautiful flowers combined in pairs

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