Porcelain Art – Decorative vases and pots with natural forms


The Japanese artist Hitomi Hosono presented a beautiful collection of decorative vases and porcelain vases recently. The elegant works of art inspired by nature.

Decorative pots and vases decorated abundant Hitomi Hosono


With its dramatic shapes and decorations, decorative vases and pots are real eye-catcher. The Japanese artist Hitomi Hosono was inspired by nature – and decorated their works with the beautiful shapes of flowers and leaves. Your childhood was spent in Japan, where his family had a small farm and engaged in the cultivation of rice. The life of the country has a lot, and found the complexity of fascinating plants expressive. He could see the veins and the different forms of leaves and with the hours Blüttenblätter. "I see, touch, I shoot" – that succinctly describes his creative process that always tries to surprise. – It creates a balance between the conscious design details in china and elements that occur by chance.

decorative pots and vases – an eclectic mix of minimalism and Art Nouveau

Porcelain Art - Decorative vases and pots with natural forms

Decorative vases and pots have an eclectic mix of both, at first sight very different styles – Minimalism and Art Nouveau. The typical minimalist colors – black and white ornaments can be inspired by the Art Nouveau works best advantage kommen.Ihre are still heavily influenced by the work of English pottery manufacturer Josiah Wedgwood. As it was then, in the 18th century, Hitomi Hosono has tried to combine different techniques. The end result speaks for itself – the pots and pot definitely attract everyone's attention!

The collection includes a wide range of furniture for the home beautiful and functional

Porcelain Art - Decorative vases and pots with natural forms

Flower pots, vases, jewelry – all of which are richly decorated

Porcelain Art - Decorative vases and pots with natural forms

The artist has tried different processing techniques

Porcelain Art - Decorative vases and pots with natural forms

Each ship is unique

Porcelain Art - Decorative vases and pots with natural forms

The artist was inspired by his childhood in Japan

Porcelain Art - Decorative vases and pots with natural forms

Porcelain Art - Decorative vases and pots with natural forms

Porcelain Art - Decorative vases and pots with natural forms

Porcelain Art - Decorative vases and pots with natural forms

Porcelain Art - Decorative vases and pots with natural forms

Porcelain Art - Decorative vases and pots with natural forms

Porcelain Art - Decorative vases and pots with natural forms

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