Succulents are currently popular – they are easy to maintain, take up little space and can successfully replace ordinary houseplants. What types of plants are called "succulent" and how they can be used as a decoration in the home, we are confident that down.
Succulents – Maintenance and description of the plant species
Succulents are plants that come from warmer regions, where there is often a lack of water. Species with specialized plantation, saving you time in the water. Among the most famous are the types of cactus, cruciferous Mittagsblütergewächse and Lithops. Market is often offered the so-called succulent blend – can be planted in sandy soils quickly. Succulents are easy to maintain – they need lots of sun and little water. Just vase in a sunny window assembly, turn the pot once a week, so that all plants can enjoy direct sunlight or very little water weekly.
Making flower pots for succulent plants themselves – fresh ideas
Succulents do not need a lot of land, so it is perfect for those who like to experiment. They can easily be planted in areas where other flowers will not last. Thus, the holes of a brick or small openings that can accommodate various brick succulent. Flower pots in wood give the space a rustic charm – you can update the old wooden bucket with a little 'color and paint with beautiful geometric patterns. Do you have an old piece of kitchen that you do not use? There may be perfectly succulent planted. Pebbles and driftwood mode can give a personal touch.
Original decoration in the bathroom
The setting with pebbles and driftwood
Succulents are easy to maintain – they need lots of sun and little water
Luscious color and how to arrange flowers
The pots are made of paper
Give the character of old wooden bucket – patterned
Holes in brick succulent plants can be befplanzt