Wood boiler – Pioneer Heating and environment

modern stoves

When you buy a stove victories over purely visual aspect is increasingly important for the environment. A more environmentally friendly and cheaper than traditional fireplace is a pan with water. Aquifer unit is heated with fire and water. It serves as a central heating system, and well isolated as the sole source of home heating. A variety of models and designs leave something to be desired – has offered ground water heaters with integrated pump control option and IQ Airmatic, and the fuel they use either logs or pellets. Let us convince you of their appearance and quality.

Boiler stove – economical heating with renewable energy

Environmentally friendly

A wood stove in the aquifer modern heating system increasingly important. Focus will be on stage in an incomparable, while the different rooms are well heated. The modern pellet stoves aquifers can be switched on and off by the control and timer, remote control or via a smartphone. Fireplaces and stoves can reuse classic with the right equipment and fire water.

Intelligent energy management with water stovepipe

Wood boiler - Pioneer Heating and environment

A water containing Stoves protects the environment and is affordable, comfortable and romantic. It evaluates each living room with a cozy atmosphere. As a traditional house, warms the living room, but also provides enough heat for the whole house. The unit aquifer is equipped with a bag that registers the water or water that are visible within the defined interval. The container is connected to a heating water circuit. If the house triggered, the water is heated in a container and the heat carried by the water cycle in a heat accumulator. It is usually located in the room, which is also well heated. As a complement of the solar panels can be installed to produce heat, and then the shower hot water are produced in summer.

The advantages of a pot with water

Wood boiler - Pioneer Heating and environment

Featuring a fireplace aquifer technique has the following advantages:

– It saves heating costs and CO2 emissions a lot. Pellets and wood from local forests cost an average of 5 cents / kWh, which is about 30% less than heating oil.
– No heat in one piece, but the whole house.

Boiler stove has suspended optics

Wood boiler - Pioneer Heating and environment

Stove and hot water system

Wood boiler - Pioneer Heating and environment

Heating ecological and environmental friendly

Wood boiler - Pioneer Heating and environment

Arm warming emissions

Wood boiler - Pioneer Heating and environment

Alleviate the heating system and reduce energy costs

Wood boiler - Pioneer Heating and environment

Aquifer cozy pellet stove

Wood boiler - Pioneer Heating and environment

Wood boiler - Pioneer Heating and environment

Wood boiler - Pioneer Heating and environment

Wood boiler - Pioneer Heating and environment

Wood boiler - Pioneer Heating and environment

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