Garden design ideas – the best trees for small gardens.


Trees in the garden

Trees provide sun protection in summer, attract birds and squirrels and provide privacy and structure to a space. Here we propose a list of the 10 best trees which are ideal for planting in a small garden, and garden design ideas for positioning the trees.

Garden design ideas for small gardens – trees that transmit light and provide shade.



Small gardens can be a great challenge. Here we offer you some ideas for garden design that face this challenge head on. Gardens which are close to those of your neighbors will have shadows cast across them by the walls and plants either side and in this way sun protection isn’t a huge concern as shady spots will automatically be there. These gardens are perfect for trees like the Fukubana ornamental cherry, which reaches a height of 5 meters and loves shade. In the spring, the tree has pale pink flowers. The kernel also allows a crown of light to peep through. Its flowers appear in late spring. The tree can reach 5-6 meters in height.

Small, suntrap gardens need areas of sun protection. This means you want to consider some fruit trees such as apples or ornamental cherry trees that can reach a height of 4 meters. These trees grow very quickly and will be big enough to provide sun protection in three years.

Garden design ideas for small gardens.

Garden design ideas - the 10 best trees for small gardens

Trees with a rounded top such as the ball top Maple or Acacia Tree are highly attractive in any garden. Even without cutting and pruning these trees have a spherical or ball top which is very distinctive. It should be remembered that these trees grow very slowly and their maximum height of 3-4 meters is only attained after about eight years. Other species of tree with this crown top effect include, for example, the Elder or Judas Tree. All of these ball top trees replace any need for an umbrella in the garden.

The trees in the garden – tips for planting and care.

Garden design ideas - the 10 best trees for small gardens

The right time to plant a tree is in the spring. However, you need to plan carefully – if you plant the tree too close to the fence it’s roots or general growth might disturb the neighbors and their own trees in a few years.

Evergreen trees provide splashes of color in the winter garden.

Garden design ideas - the 10 best trees for small gardens

Low trees in a hillside garden.

Garden design ideas - the 10 best trees for small gardens

Large trees may intrude upon your neighbor’s space and light.

Garden design ideas - the 10 best trees for small gardens

Therefore, trees should not be planted too near the garden fence

Garden design ideas - the 10 best trees for small gardens

Garden design ideas - the 10 best trees for small gardens

Garden design ideas - the 10 best trees for small gardens

Garden design ideas - the 10 best trees for small gardens

Garden design ideas - the 10 best trees for small gardens

Garden design ideas - the 10 best trees for small gardens

Garden design ideas - the 10 best trees for small gardens

Garden design ideas - the 10 best trees for small gardens

Garden design ideas - the 10 best trees for small gardens

Garden design ideas - the 10 best trees for small gardens

Garden design ideas - the 10 best trees for small gardens

Garden design ideas - the 10 best trees for small gardens


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