Art installation from EUR pallets provides quiet island for readers

Euro pallets

Installation of modern art Euro pallets has become a haven for readers. The facility was built in front of the library in Cleveland, USA. Artist Mark Reigelman intended by the project to a well-protected for readers where they can rest area.

Art installation in the form of a nest

Wooden pallets Furniture

Mark Reigelman found inspiration for his art installation in nature. It took the form of a bird's nest. Pallets were used as building material – the structure is made of stainless steel and then covered with Euro pallets. The exterior is not treated and is in this way, of course, while the interior wood planks were oiled golden color. 40 000 maintain nail assembly construction. Construction lasted a week, but the final result can be seen in all cases.

Art installation made of wooden pallets

Modern Art

Installation art Reigelman is located in the small park in front of the library. The high walls protect visitors from the bustle of the big city – and offer a safe haven where you can relax. At the same time, it looks like a modern sculpture that adorns the park. A door leads visitors into the nest – and there at the entrance of the library. Influenced by trends in architecture and design with eco-points system in the future.

The exterior was left untreated, oiled inside


Woodcarving leads to the library

Art installation from EUR pallets provides quiet island for readers

"Bird's Nest" in the park in Cleveland

Art installation from EUR pallets provides quiet island for readers

Construction detail

Art installation from EUR pallets provides quiet island for readers

Looking at the Bird's Nest

Art installation from EUR pallets provides quiet island for readers

Construction lasted one week

Art installation from EUR pallets provides quiet island for readers

In the evening, the structure is illuminated

Art installation from EUR pallets provides quiet island for readers

Side view of the construction of wooden pallets

Art installation from EUR pallets provides quiet island for readers

Opening of the door system

Art installation from EUR pallets provides quiet island for readers

A bird's eye view of the nest

Art installation from EUR pallets provides quiet island for readers

Park in front of the library in Cleveland, USA

Art installation from EUR pallets provides quiet island for readers

The modern system of wooden pallets with lighting

Art installation from EUR pallets provides quiet island for readers

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Photos by Mark Riegelman

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