Objets Nomades – luxury designer travel collection by Louis Vuitton



The luxury designer furniture collection Objets Nomades by Louis Vuitton has been designed in collaboration with the most famous furniture designers. The fine craftsmanship, luxury materials, and its exclusive designs are only some of the advantages of the furniture collection. Most of the furniture is foldable and can be easily transported. The Nomad fine leather is very typical for the French luxury brand. The designs are unique, elegant and very high quality.

Designer furniture from the luxury travel collection Objets Nomades

Luxury Furniture

Designer furniture the Objets Nomades travel collection was introduced for the first time at the Design Miami shown in December 2012. The foldable furniture collection is actually a tribute to the earlier years of the Louis Vuitton brand, which initially only offered suitcases and luggage at the beginning. The Nomade leather – the main material of the travel collection – has become a hallmark of the products of this brand.

Objects Nomads – consciously hip and trendy

Furniture Design

If you want to look hip and fashionably confident on your trips, get the designer furniture Travel Collection from Objets Nomades. In designing this travel collection, the French luxury brand has worked with the top furniture designers. The collection includes unique designer pieces such as a foldable leather wardrobe, a folding table, stools and even a leather hammock. Check out this fabulous and exclusive collection by Louis Vuitton and choose your favorites among the luxury furniture.

Foldable leather wardrobe 

Objets Nomads travel luxury designer furniture collection by Louis Vuitton

Objets Nomads travel luxury designer furniture collection by Louis Vuitton

Objets Nomads travel luxury designer furniture collection by Louis Vuitton

Design leather stools become a convenient travel bag

Objets Nomads travel luxury designer furniture collection by Louis Vuitton

Objets Nomads travel luxury designer furniture collection by Louis Vuitton

Objets Nomads travel luxury designer furniture collection by Louis Vuitton

Hammock leather with a unique mesh pattern

Objets Nomads travel luxury designer furniture collection by Louis Vuitton

Objets Nomads travel luxury designer furniture collection by Louis Vuitton

Objets Nomads travel luxury designer furniture collection by Louis Vuitton

Folding Table by Louis Vuitton

Objets Nomads travel luxury designer furniture collection by Louis Vuitton

Objets Nomads travel luxury designer furniture collection by Louis Vuitton

Folding leather chairs in various colors

Objets Nomads travel luxury designer furniture collection by Louis Vuitton

Folding chair becomes a suitcase

Objets Nomads travel luxury designer furniture collection by Louis Vuitton

Comfortable hammock chair design with a knitting pattern

Objets Nomads travel luxury designer furniture collection by Louis Vuitton

Leather mat lamp with the typical LV print

Objets Nomads travel luxury designer furniture collection by Louis Vuitton

Holders made of luxury leather

Objets Nomads travel luxury designer furniture collection by Louis Vuitton
Objets Nomads travel luxury designer furniture collection by Louis Vuitton

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