The inflatable mobile bathroom bubble shows the future trends

inflatable furniture

This room design mobile suite was at the ISH to design bathroom in Frankfurt in March 2013. This unusual concept for a room a bathroom mobile trends inflatable balls were created after careful research. The bathroom bubble concept takes the direction of future trends in the design of bathroom that require greater flexibility, mobility and practical application.

Room mobile inflatable bath with foam bubbles

bathroom design

The living cell bathroom design looks like a bubble of foam and was designed after a thorough investigation. Most survey participants combine the idea of ​​the perfect bathroom with freedom. The desire to be closer to nature and have a beautiful view were also mentioned quite often. Following these guidelines and the bathroom bubble concept was created especially for the exhibition.

The bathroom Bubble Mobile – Back to Basics

Furniture Design

Room mobile inflatable bath was created with the idea of an experience of freedom marked. Increasingly has the mentality of "back to basics" and "back to nature" trend represented in the interior design. Mobility and transparent inflatable walls give a sense of freedom that can be deployed best in nature. Although this concept can still find no real practical application, it shows the idea behind the design of future trends bathroom.

Design Black Bubble Bath in the bathroom

The inflatable mobile bathroom bubble shows the future trends

Modern interiors, Bubble

The inflatable mobile bathroom bubble shows the future trends

Mobile and practical pieces of furniture chosen

The inflatable mobile bathroom bubble shows the future trends

The trend to nature

The inflatable mobile bathroom bubble shows the future trends

The inflatable mobile bathroom bubble shows the future trends

Other concepts bathroom outdoors

The inflatable mobile bathroom bubble shows the future trends

The inflatable mobile bathroom bubble shows the future trends

Images Constantin Meyer

Other examples of inflatable designs

The inflatable mobile bathroom bubble shows the future trends

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The inflatable mobile bathroom bubble shows the future trends
The inflatable mobile bathroom bubble shows the future trends

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The inflatable mobile bathroom bubble shows the future trends

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