The Waterside House Hotel, Neri & Hu, Shanghai

Building on the insight that brings his unique requirements and needs of each project with it, Neri & Hu put great emphasis on research as a design tool.

The Waterside House Hotel, Neri & Hu, Shanghai

They critically examine default, location, function, and history and develop their designs consistent. Rather than a formal style to be adapted, they can be an on the dynamic interplay of experience, detail, material, form and light. That this is the right way to show the numerous publications and awards by Lyndon Neri and Rossana Hu. Also in the Waterhouse hotel you can see the design idea: the substance of the former Army Headquarters remained largely untouched, the newly added elements are clearly legible. An important idea was the connection between inside and outside, private and public space: large windows allow views from the lobby to the room, or even from the corridors into the restaurant. This view links create moments of surprise and lead the visitor to the spatial situation of Shanghai before: View getaways, boundaries and narrow streets. The designers it is able to create an unusual, refreshing 5 star hotel experience!
The Waterside House Hotel, Neri & Hu, Shanghai

The Waterside House Hotel, Neri & Hu, Shanghai

The Waterside House Hotel, Neri & Hu, Shanghai

The Waterside House Hotel, Neri & Hu, Shanghai

The Waterside House Hotel, Neri & Hu, Shanghai

The Waterside House Hotel, Neri & Hu, Shanghai

The Waterside House Hotel, Neri & Hu, Shanghai

The Waterside House Hotel, Neri & Hu, Shanghai

The Waterside House Hotel, Neri & Hu, Shanghai

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