Born in Sardinia designer and illustrator Caroline Melis, known as Karo million, presents its chic collection "Four Seasons". It includes handmade carpets and tapestries, bedspreads and curtains, which were made entirely by hand in Sardinia. Feature of these designs are geometric patterns inspired by traditional Sardinian weaving. The Mediterranean island is world famous for its weaving and this tradition is continued by young Sardis and developed.
Handmade carpets and tapestries inspired by the Sardinian weaving
The London-based artist, creates textile products with the utmost care and attention to detail. For their creations, she only uses high quality wool, made from Sardinian sheep, silk, linen or cotton. Each piece is made to order. The mats are available in white, gray and black.
Black and white models we delve into the world of weaving
Carpets million diamonds are made in the traditional shape typical technical weaving button "weaving monolevel". Sardinia word monolevel weaving "grapeseed" means. These form a relief, a drawing can be geometric, as well as highly stylized. In the past, almost every family had a Sardinian loom. Traditional rugs and tapestries were produced in white or brown wool. Generally, florals, animals and even people darstellde model.
Rugs and tapestries, silk or linen hand
Designer Carolina Melis is very interested in working with architects and interior designers are artistic creations for the future design of their carpets and textiles and to make a more unique style.
Square tapestry with patterns inspired by Byzantine motifs
Kept in an original model of clean carpet
Carpet to adapt to different styles of interior
Carpet pattern with stylized animals
Refined design
Sardinian weaving
Carpet sample the tastes and traditions of Sardinia
Carpet weaving – animal and plant motifs