Modern Heating – new wood logs wood design


Columns of wood for the fireplace belongs to the past – a new stove design can burn logs. This saves a lot of trouble if you do it yourself wood, and additional costs if you purchase loan.

Designer WOOD STOVE – modern heating and functional


The wood stove provides a convenient way to heat with electricity and gas alternative. Who could romantic atmosphere that creates the crackling wood stove resist? But before you can enjoy the warmth sophisticated means hard work – before the wood must be split and filled regularly in the stove. The project woodstove by Michiel Martens and Roel de Boer stores, namely the effort can burn logs. The fire is burning in a drum tower, while the stainless steel design resists tree trunk on wheels. The trunk of the tree should be regularly simply pushed inside. The longer the shank, along the furnace burns.

wood stove design this new concept

Modern Heating - new wood logs wood design

The wood stove has a new design concept – which turned out to be extremely functional. This means that the investment is worth it, you can organize the supply of beaten directly to the owners or wholesalers forest trees. Choosing the right type of wood can also save a lot of costs. Hardwood burns longer than wood and creates a model of perfect flame. The timber must be stored with care. Dry wood burns nice and smoke.

The details of the construction of the wood stove requires careful planning and choosing the right location. The oven requires more space than traditional fireplace – and is not really suitable for small rooms. The best wood stove away from combustible floor / parquet, laminate or carpet / high. The oven should not be provided with curtains in an inseparable close the window. Regular drum cleaning is an absolute must.

Wood burning logs – and you avoid splitting the wood

Modern Heating - new wood logs wood design

Heating with wood is cheaper than gas or electricity

Modern Heating - new wood logs wood design

An original concept, perfect execution

Modern Heating - new wood logs wood design

The records shall be kept in a room

Modern Heating - new wood logs wood design

The drum rotates during the burn

Modern Heating - new wood logs wood design

Modern Heating - new wood logs wood design

Modern Heating - new wood logs wood design

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