Modern staircase design with LED lights on the shore in Plymouth

LED lighting

This modern stair design is almost on the beach in Plymouth and was designed by Gillespie Yunnie Architects Architectural Studio. The specialty of this staircase is not only a modern design, but also the integrated LED lighting, which makes the stairs in the evening a real show.

Modern staircase design meets historic architecture in Plymouth


The modern design staircase was built next to an old historic stone wall of Royal William Yard. The modern design and bright LED lights create a nice contrast with the architecture of ancient wall. The stairs connecting not only the top of the wall to the ground, but guarantee a good view of the harbor.

The stairs modern design with LED lights of different colors


The design of the Royal William yard staircase was designed with square geometric shapes with a modern architecture. The highlight of the stairs, however, occurs in the evening, where the real glory of the project is revealed. The stairs were equipped with LED lights on both sides that glow in different colors in the dark. Therefore, it is quite normal when you see the stairs in the evening blue lights in purple, orange, yellow or red.

Stairs connecting the upper part of the wall to the base

Modern staircase design with LED lights on the shore in Plymouth

Stairs illuminated in red with panoramic views

Modern staircase design with LED lights on the shore in Plymouth

Green LED inside

Modern staircase design with LED lights on the shore in Plymouth

The modern design of the staircase

Modern staircase design with LED lights on the shore in Plymouth

The design of the staircase in Plymouth day

Modern staircase design with LED lights on the shore in Plymouth

The beautiful view of the water surface

Modern staircase design with LED lights on the shore in Plymouth

Views of the port of Plymouth

Modern staircase design with LED lights on the shore in Plymouth

Photos of Richard Downer

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