Plants with unusual flowers and emissions of a beautiful interior garden


For a fresh and provide a healthy indoor climate and blooming plants emissions. Although some wild and exotic flowers can be grown even in homes. See what is not very popular plants for indoor gardens are very useful!

Unusual plants argue – Kalanchoë thyrsiflora / Desert carbon


Carbon desert is one of the Crassulaceae family and native to South Africa. Its leaves can be up to 1 meter. To thrive, the desert of carbon requires a sunny position, where the leaves their characteristic red color. Particularly interesting is the fact that pushes two years dies after flowering. However, you can grow as houseplants regularly with thyrsiflora annual sowing of Kalanchoe.

Plants with unusual flowers and emissions of a beautiful interior garden

Care of houseplants – Passiflora caerulea (Passion Flower)

Plants with unusual flowers and emissions of a beautiful interior garden

Passion fruit are mainly grown as houseplants or balcony or outdoor container plant. In a sunny, hot growing much better. Passiflora caerulea is beautiful vine that can reach a height of several meters of space gerindem. However, the characteristic of the flowers of passion flowers are dark green segmented. Your smell is very special, but not very strong and unpleasant. The fruit of Passiflora caerula are not edible, but also non-toxic.

passion flowers as houseplants or outdoors as potted plants

Plants with unusual flowers and emissions of a beautiful interior garden

Cupressus macrocarpa – Zimmerzypresse, Goldzypresse

Plants with unusual flowers and emissions of a beautiful interior garden

The Zimmerzypresse, who is from California, as a place bright and sunny all year round. They can be grown as Zimmer-/Kübelpflanze on the balcony or in the garden.

Houseplants aromatic – Sanguisorba (burnet)

Plants with unusual flowers and emissions of a beautiful interior garden

Burnet is one of the family Rosaceae and is cultivated as a vegetable. It requires only a partially shaded spot with moist soil. Sanguisorba is famous for its cleansing effect of the blood. The bitter leaves go well in dishes, salads, sauces.

Plants with unusual flowers and emissions of a beautiful interior garden

Bonsai tree Juniperus procumbens Nana (Dwarf Kriechwacholder)

Plants with unusual flowers and emissions of a beautiful interior garden

Bonsai trees are popular houseplants. Kriechwacholder Little can reach 20 cm in height. Juniper as a potted plant is very durable and sturdy. The leaves of the typical scale varies between green and blue. Nana can also be used in the rockery, ground cover, parks.

Plants with unusual flowers and emissions of a beautiful interior garden

Houseplants with high adaptability – Platycerium bifurcatum (Geweihfarn)

Plants with unusual flowers and emissions of a beautiful interior garden

Native to tropical forests bifurcatum Platycerium plants can be grown in very easy to grow houses. A special feature of the fern are two different types of elk antlers or leaves ähnendelnden. To grow well, the Geweihfarn need a light to full sun.

Plants with unusual flowers and emissions of a beautiful interior garden

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