2015 Best Furniture Designs

Detailed Pics of Furniture Design Awards 2013

Designers Category

1.     FDA 2015 Grand Award Winner

Piotr Saladra


Entry: The Hive

The hive is light gray linen hook over 1600 forms. The materials used are either recycled or 100% natural linen son. In addition to being made ​​from materials that are manufactured under construction processes environmentally friendly furniture MONOMOKA is also environmentally friendly because they do not have a machine or industrial facilities. It is traditional Handarbeit.f


2.     FDA 2015 Honourable Mention Award

Min Chen

Atelier Chen Min, China

Entry: Gong Shelf System

Gong Shelf System by Min Chen  is formulated in a modular shelving which consist of three metal strips which are perpendicular to each other. This feature allows the platform to build and fit into any location or environment. Plastic or a metal plate, which can be adapted, between-hold the stick, so that the user can only rely on their task before the it.Not Gong shelving system allows the user to fully customize and let behind an unfinished painting is architecture is still in progress.


3.     FDA 2015 Merit Award

Piotr Saladra


Entry: Artichoke

The artichoke is a flower-shaped ottoman of 156 molds from polyester orange and yellow hook. The materials used are new or 100% natural (left) or recycled yarn. As with The Hive artichoke is very environmentally friendly manufactured with traditional craftsmanship.


4.     FDA 2015 Merit Award

George Soo

FLIQ, Singapore

Entry: Genterie & Nouveau


Luxury was economization. A car. A clock. A handbag. The amount of luxury is getting younger and more savvy. A new generation of wealth – some homemade, but some are inherited. With success comes a fear based and growing social consciousness resonates to a new audience of luxury. It’s only progressive luxury.

Two models: Old versus New Luxury luxury. Gentry or GENTERIE (by inheritance) vs. NEW (self-made). GENTERIE & NEW both use light steel structure, in order to save space and to explore the eco-material felt like a side wall. Loose tissue at the base allows for easy storage under the bed.

While GENTERIE used pillows that have profiles greatest representatives of wealth and splendor, used New cushions, which have a thin profile, this is a luxury and modern elegance.


5.     FDA 2015 Merit Award

Sim Miao Ling


Entry: Shoehorn Umbrella Stand

Shoehorn umbrella of Sim Miao Ling as designed by the concept of “organization”, which is an essential part of our daily life was inspired, it is a man to keep the way of things in order. But at the same time, can be considered to organize that do not lead to certain things. The idea of this design is to create a new perception and new values ​​of the organization. Sim Miao Ling observes how can you keep things organized and looking our new possibility of what may or may not be organized. Miao Ling also described that as object is placed on the basis of their respective surroundings or set as a result of temporary human behavior. The shoehorn umbrella stand by as this object 2 is inspired, is the shoehorn and umbrella next to each other near the door. The more curved edges of the umbrella stand for a single shoe spoon to mix in a quiet location allow. Flat disc magnet to ensure that the shoe horn push again and stays there.



Students Category

6.     FDA 2015 Honourable Mention Award

Diaz Adisastomo

Bandung Institute of Technology, Indonesia

Entry: Common armchair

7.     FDA 2015 Merit Award

Patpimon Onplui

Silpakorn University, Thailand

Entry: Co-Axis

8.     FDA 2015 Merit Award

Denny Priyatna

Bandung Institute of Technology, Indonesia

Entry: Exploded Chair

9.     FDA 2015 Merit Award

Denny Priyatna

Bandung Institute of Technology , Indonesia

Entry: Pipe Seat

10.     FDA 2015 Merit Award

Wendy Kokasih

Nanyang Academy of Fine Arts, Singapore

Entry: Uni Armchair




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