De los Austrias Pharmacy, Stone Designs, Madrid

The Farmacia de los Austrias, is located in the historical part of Madrid.

De los Austrias Pharmacy, Stone Designs, Madrid
The idea of ​​the designers of Stone Designs was to create a space that combines tradition and innovation, and was not about to create contrasts, but a harmonious overall picture.
The presentation in thin metal shelves against pale blue walls and the cheerful color palette creates a light, relaxed atmosphere. The customer feels that he is professional advice, but individual and with more “human touch” than usual.
A design far from what pharmacies dresser can offer. Class, I wish I had more courage for such stores, also here in Germany!
De los Austrias Pharmacy, Stone Designs, Madrid

De los Austrias Pharmacy, Stone Designs, Madrid

De los Austrias Pharmacy, Stone Designs, Madrid

De los Austrias Pharmacy, Stone Designs, Madrid

De los Austrias Pharmacy, Stone Designs, Madrid

De los Austrias Pharmacy, Stone Designs, Madrid

De los Austrias Pharmacy, Stone Designs, Madrid



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